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Saturday, January 6, 2018

Day One

So, today is DAY ONE in my journey to once again run a half marathon. I walked just under three miles and my IT Bands are not happy.  They were perfectly happy sitting on their metaphorical pretty little rear ends for fifteen months and don't appear to relish the thought of moving again.  But they will move.  

In other preparations I hunted and hunted the house until I found this in its hiding place.
Yep.  That's my old Garmin Forerunner sitting in its charger.  Please notice that the screen is blank.  It is isn't charging.  At all.  It may be dead.  I may have already been on Amazon searching a rfeplacement.

Next I will be looking for ways to train with my right foot in a boot.  This could be interesting.

I am really looking forward to this journey.  My IT Bands...not so much.


Friday, January 5, 2018

New Goals

So why would pull up an old dusty blog from 2013 and make a new post?


I have made a decision to run the Paducah Iron Mom Half Marathon on May 12, 2018.

A little background may be needed to explain why this is such a momentous decision.  Fifteen months ago I had what can only be a catastrophic fall while running.  Now, I have fallen several times while running to include being chased off a bridge by a renegade goose.  But this time was different. I broke my right arm and bruised my ribs.  And now fifteen months later, I am still dealing with the aftermath of the severe twisting my body that took during this fall.  This week I am beginning PT on the left shoulder which is frozen and having a small foot surgery on the right foot to remove a small piece of broken bone that is dead.  Falling when you are older is not fun.

Since THE FALL as I call it, I have not been able to walk for long much less run.  So I have sat on my pretty little rear end and got out of shape.  My goal is to run, walk, or crawl that half marathon.  And Lord willing, I will.

So why share this with the entire cyberworld? Because I am a champion goal setter.  I set goals all the time.  I write them down.  I read them often.  And I don't complete them.  I want all of you to make me accountable to this goal.  

And with any luck, this will be me again.

               Me finishing my half marathon about six years ago.