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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Well, Apparently I AM Bilingual

Today, after a delightful morning of teaching preschoolers, I had several errands to run.  Now, as we all know, a lady cannot be expected to face the rigors of the retail world, on a empty stomach.  So I decided to stop at that fine Mexican eating establishment...
Yes, Taco Bell,  Don't judge me.  I was hungry and had very limited Taco  Bell it was.

The young lady who was taking orders was finishing up with the customer in front of me.  Now at our Taco Bell they ask for your name so that they can yell out your name when your order is complete. You can then scurry up to the counter and retrieve your food. And then you can begin to savor the goodness that can only be found at Taco Bell.

But I digress.

The order taker asked the (who by the way, had a British accent.  My little Las Cruces is becoming so worldly) customer her name.  The problem?  The customer spoke no English, only Spanish.

So I whipped out my superhero cape and said, in my best Spanish, "Como se llamas?"  (Spanish speakers...I know that I don't have the correct Spanish punctuation.  But my computer is apparently English only.)

The lady gave her name and tragedy was averted by...

SUPER TRANSLATOR!!! (that would be me)

But one warning.  That's all the Spanish I know.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend Roundup

I realize that I have been taking a little bloggy break, but I am back now and thought I would bore you with a play by play of the (Imagine a group of brass instruments loudly playing "Da-Dah!") WEEKEND OF PAM AND DANNY DEAREST.

(Yes, the caps were necessary)

(Just to let you know how important this weekend was...or was not.)

Let's start with Friday because with me the weekend begins on Friday.  As my last post said, Danny Dearest and I are planning to walk the Bataan Memorial Death March.  So Friday evening we walked 10 miles.  Now that should be easy for someone who has RUN (I know, I know.  Caps again.  It's just a caps kind of day.) a half marathon.  But there is one key difference.  I ran the half marathon alone.  At my own speed.  Fast when I wanted, slow when I wanted. 

I walked the 10 miles with Danny Dearest.  Not alone.  Not at my speed.  Not fast when I wanted.  Not slow when I wanted. 

Just to give you an idea of what walking with Danny Dearest is like, when he was in Basic Training at Fort Knox they wouldn't let him lead marches.  Why, you say.  Because he led then to stinking fast, that's why. In other words, he led the marches TO FAST FOR THE ARMY.  ( Caps again.  What can I say?)

He tries to slow down but eventually he is a couple of feet ahead of me with me trying to slow him down.  So walking 10 miles was a little difficult.

And we are going to walk 26.2 miles together during the march.

Good times will be had.

Saturday we spent the day at our church at a seminar with Bruce McLarty learning how to grow together.  It was a time well spent on how we can have an effect on each other.

Sunday morning was spent at church and then, what do you think we did Sunday evening?  Super Bowl, of course.  We joined friends at their house and watched the Super Bowl.  I wasn't sure who was playing or who won but a good time was had by all.  I spent Super Bowl time doing my traditional working on crafts.  I made some flannel board games for the preschool which I will share later.

I know you are a-tremble with anticipation.