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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Can Say All the New Testament Books!

When we purchased our current home, one of the selling points was a 900 square foot permanent garage/storage building that was located on the property.

We promptly began filling that building with 1,000 square feet of junk.

So recently I began to try to sift through all the "treasures" and keep the good and dispose of the not so good.  And in doing so I have run across some real gems.  Like this.
Yes, that would be Baby Susan"s button from kindergarten Bible School after she had learned all the books of the New Testament.  Not only did she receive the button, she also received a small New Testament of her own.  Sadly, that little Bible has not been found in my excavation of the storage building but hope springs eternal and perhaps it will turn up.

And just let me say, that button and Bible were not easily earned.  We sang the "Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John" song over and over and over and over.  Until she finally had it down and could sing/say the books of the New Testament.  It was a proud moment in her young life.

 This is a picture of Baby Susan the first day of that Sunday School class.  Doesn't she look happy to be there?  And since this was pre-digital , there was a back to this picture. Here is what Baby
Susan put on the back of this picture...
Perhaps only a mother would say this but...isn't that cute!

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