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Friday, February 4, 2011

And Baby Makes Three

After all our kittens grew up and left home (sniff, sniff), Danny and I decided that cats and kittens were not what was missing in our little family.  So we decided to start a REAL family.  This would be easy, right?  How hard could this be?  Obviously our cats had no trouble.

But it was not that easy.  There were  problems.  Trips to fertility clinics at William Beaumont Hospital in El Paso.  Tests.  Tests.  And even more tests.  Then the prognosis.  I could not get pregnant.

                                     But sometimes faith in God proves all doctors and tests wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Actully, the doctor told Pam she could not get pregnet without surgery. Would anyone like to guess what happens when you tell Pam she can't do something? She will either do it or die. As you can see from the picture, she proved she could do it.

